Retrofit is a type-safe REST client for Android and Java by Square, Inc.
I'm using retrofit to make requests. I've got following error: Too many follow-up requests: 21 The code is …
android retrofit okhttp cookiemanagerI'm using Retrofit to do a basic POST request, and I'm providing a basic @Body for the request. @POST("/rest/…
android http-authentication retrofit okhttpI'm trying to make an asynchronous POST and DELETE which is form url encoded using Retrofit in Android 4.4 Here is …
android post http-post retrofit http-deleteMy Retrofit 2 (2.0.2 currently) client needs to add custom headers to requests. I'm using an Interceptor to add these headers to …
java header annotations retrofit retrofit2@DELETE("/job/deletejob") Observable<JobDeleteResponseModel> jobDelete( @Body JobDeleteRequestModel model); am getting this error: Non-body HTTP method cannot contain @…
retrofit rx-javaI'm trying to cache the response of http calls done by Retrofit(v 1.9.0) with OkHttp(2.3.0). It always made the network …
java android retrofit cache-control okhttpI'm using Retrofit to access a RESTful api. The base url is: This is the …
android retrofitI'd like to intercept all responses received by the retrofit engine, and scan for HTTP error code, for example error 403. …
android retrofit okhttpI'm using retrofit. To catch response i'm using Interceptor: OkHttpClient okHttpClient = new OkHttpClient(); okHttpClient.interceptors().add(myinterceptor); here is code …
java android retrofit interceptor okhttp