Top "Retrofit" questions

Retrofit is a type-safe REST client for Android and Java by Square, Inc.

Add cookies to retrofit 2 request

I need to add cookies with retrofit 2.0. If i understand correct, cookies - the same as headers. this cookies must …

android cookies retrofit retrofit2
Android:dynamically pass model class to retrofit callback

In retrofit to map json response to pojo usually we do this @POST Call<User> getDataFromServer(@Url String …

android retrofit retrofit2 pojo
How to set timeout in Retrofit-2.0+ android

I referred this link but I can't seem to implement for mine I am using compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.0.2…

android retrofit retrofit2
Does Retrofit make network calls on main thread?

I am trying to explore Retrofit+OkHttp on Android. Here's some code I found online : RestAdapter restAdapter = new RestAdapter.Builder().…

android retrofit okhttp
Getting JSON from RetrofitError object using Retrofit

I am using the Retrofit library to do REST calls to a service I am using. If I make an …

android retrofit
Android Retrofit - onProgressUpdate for showing Progress Notification

I'm currently using Retrofit by Square for Android network communications. Is there a way to get its progress during a …

android android-asynctask retrofit
Retrying the request using Retrofit 2

How can I add retry functionality to the requests sent by Retrofit 2 library. Something like: service.listItems().enqueue(new Callback&…

java android retrofit
Retrofit get String response

Is it possible to recieve only String response using Retrofit library? I have a situation where I need to add …

android retrofit android-networking
Retrofit 2 can't upload a file with two additional separate string parameters

Read edit at bottom of the question for possible alternative solution until the solution is found.

android file-upload retrofit android-networking retrofit2
IllegalArgumentException in Retrofit / must not have replace block

I have the following code : @GET("api.php?company_name={name}") Call<Model> getRoms_center(@Query("name") String …

android retrofit