Top "Resourcedictionary" questions

Provides a hash table / dictionary implementation that contains resources - reusable objects (e.g. vector drawings, brushes, colors, control template, data templates etc.

Get a Resource from a ResourceDictionary with a key

I have a WPF window that is supposed to load two vector images from XAML files. (Each one is in …

wpf xaml resourcedictionary
Can't find ResourceDictionary in Add New Item Window

When I create a new WPF project I can find ResourceDictionary in Add New Item Window. But I've another Project …

wpf wpf-controls resourcedictionary
How can I programmatically access a resource string from App.xaml?

I have some Strings I want to access from my code in App.xaml like: <Application.Resources> <…

c# windows-store-apps winrt-xaml resourcedictionary app.xaml
How to reference WPF style keys defined in a separate assembly in another library

I have two libraries and a single application assembly project layout and I'm wondering how can I reference styles by …

wpf assemblies styles resourcedictionary mergeddictionaries
Merging Resources Dictionaries

i'm trying merging wpf resource dictionaries on the code behind but for some reasion this isn't working. If i try …

c# wpf styles resourcedictionary
How do I define the default background color for window instances in a shared ResourceDictionary?

I can't seem to set a default background color for all of my windows in my application. Does anyone know …

wpf xaml themes window resourcedictionary
Extending/overriding a style in a resource dictionary

I have a BaseSkin and multiple UserSkins in a separate dll from my WPF application. Depending on who is using …

c# wpf xaml resourcedictionary
Style inheritance based on different XAML

How to specify BasedOn tag in a style to a style defined in some other file. Example, Dictionary1.xaml defines &…

c# .net wpf xaml resourcedictionary
What is the scope of StaticResource within a WPF ResourceDictionary?

I have a WPF ResourceDictionary with the following TextBlock: <TextBlock Visibility="{Binding Converter={StaticResource MyBoolProp ResourceKey=BoolToVis}}"> </…

wpf .net-4.0 resourcedictionary
WPF: Application resources equivalent in DLL

I have two projects in my solution. The first project is a WPF application, the other is a regular DLL …

wpf c#-4.0 wpf-controls resourcedictionary