Top "Resourcedictionary" questions

Provides a hash table / dictionary implementation that contains resources - reusable objects (e.g. vector drawings, brushes, colors, control template, data templates etc.

Merged dictionaries and local resources

I have a Styles.xaml that groups many ResourceDictionarys inside a MergedDictionary. I imported Styles.xaml in my UserControl.Resources &…

wpf xaml dictionary resourcedictionary mergeddictionaries
How can you retrieve a Brush from a ResourceDictionary defined in XAML and apply it to an element in code?

<ResourceDictionary xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:Microsoft_…

c# wpf resourcedictionary
WPF Events in ResourceDictionary for a ControlTemplate

I'm currently trying to implement a Metro styled Window. So i've made the following styles inside a ResourceDictionary: <ResourceDictionary …

wpf events xaml command resourcedictionary
Adding a Merged Dictionary to a Merged Dictionary

I can't seem to be able to add a merged dictionary to a collection of merged dictionaries within XAML. Theme.…

wpf silverlight xaml resourcedictionary
MergedDictionaries and Resource lookup

i have a problem with Resource dictionaries and mergeddictionaries in general, especially when it comes to resource-lookup performance. After some …

wpf performance resourcedictionary staticresource mergeddictionaries
WPF: Style based on another one in a separate assembly

Assembly A - ResourceDictionary contains StyleA style. Assembly B - ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries to merge resources from Assembly A into B. …

wpf resources styles resourcedictionary mergeddictionaries
WPF - Resource not loading from Generic.xaml

Themes\Generic.xaml: <ResourceDictionary xmlns="" xmlns:x="…

wpf custom-controls resourcedictionary generic.xaml
Is there any way to use StaticResource in a WPF control library and be able to view at design-time?

I have a WPF Control Library that is being added to a windows forms application. We want to allow the …

c# wpf xaml shared-libraries resourcedictionary
x:Type not found in user control library

I'm trying to create a ResourceDictionary inside a WPF UserControl Library project. When I add the following style: <Style …

c# wpf user-controls resourcedictionary