Top "Resourcedictionary" questions

Provides a hash table / dictionary implementation that contains resources - reusable objects (e.g. vector drawings, brushes, colors, control template, data templates etc.

WPF ImageSource binding with Custom converter

I have a simple template for a combobox structured in this way: <ComboBox DockPanel.Dock="Left" MinWidth="100" MaxHeight="24" ItemsSource="{…

.net wpf image converter resourcedictionary
How to Bind To Data within a Datatemplate of a ContentControl

I have the following simplified Example: <Window x:Class="TemplateBinding.MainWindow" xmlns="" …

wpf data-binding datatemplate resourcedictionary contentcontrol
Load a ResourceDictionary from an assembly

I've got an assembly somewhere on the file system, e.g. "C:\temp\test.dll". In that assembly there's a …

c# wpf xaml resourcedictionary
Loading WPF Style from Resource File

I am trying to load WPF Style from other file actually from WPF Custom Control Library but i am failing …

wpf xaml custom-controls resourcedictionary generic.xaml
Add collection or array to wpf resource dictionary

I've search high and low and can't find an answer to this. I have two questions How do you create …

wpf resourcedictionary
Wpf merged resource dictionary no being recognized from app.xaml

I have a WPF .net 4.5 application where I am having trouble merging resource dictionaries. I have the exact same problem …

.net wpf xaml resourcedictionary
using tab and carriage return character in a WPF resource dictionary

How can I use tab and carriage return characters in a WPF XAML resource dictionary? This doesn't work for me: &…

wpf xaml resourcedictionary
Access ResourceDictionary items programmatically

I have a Silverlight controls assembly, called "MySilverlightControls". Several folders down into that assembly I have a class which extends …

silverlight silverlight-3.0 resources controltemplate resourcedictionary
how to use styles defined in ResourceDictionary

I have several common styles and I want to share them in several pages of my Windows 8.1 application. I know …

wpf xaml windows-8.1 resourcedictionary
Interaction Triggers in Style in ResourceDictionary WPF

I have a ComboBox which I need to use in several places in my application, so I set most of …

c# wpf xaml combobox resourcedictionary