Top "Repository" questions

Can refer to the data store of a version control system containing the whole history of a project, or to an object that transfers data between the business layer of an application and its data store.

How do I move a single folder from one Subversion repository to another repository?

I have a "docs" folder in a Subversion repository named "project". I've come to the conclusion that it should really …

svn repository directory move
How to import a Project into bitbucket repository from Android Studio?

So basically I have an Android Studio project on my local computer and I need to add it into my …

android-studio import repository bitbucket
What is included in JCenter repository in Gradle?

From Gradle 1.7 there is new Public repository JCenter. repositories { jcenter() } So I want to ask if all jars from Maven …

gradle repository maven-central
Git's local repository and remote repository -- confusing concepts

If I understand correctly, Git has two sorts of repositories: one called local, another called remote. My questions are extremely …

git repository
git push to remote repository "Could not read from remote repository"

I searched for a while but I can't find a solution to my Problem. I have a Server I can …

git ssh repository git-remote
Maven Snapshot Repository vs Release Repository

What is the difference between a Snapshot Repository and Release Repository? This is with reference to setting up Repositories (like …

maven repository release nexus snapshot
Merge changes from remote github repository to your local repository

I have forked a repository on github some time ago, made a small change and pushed the change back to …

git merge repository github
Add Maven repositories for a project in Eclipse?

How can I add Maven repositories for a project. I'm using Eclipse Juno version: Juno Service Release 1 Build id: 20120920-0800 …

eclipse repository eclipse-juno
Git push results in fatal: protocol error: bad line length character: This

I am trying to get GitLab working on my server (running CentOS 6.5). I followed the gitlab-receipe to the line, but …

git ssh repository gitlab
I want make push and get error: src refspec master does not match any

I'm hosting on Heroku. I want to make a push: git push master Heroku I gets the message: error: src …

git heroku repository hosting