Top "Repository" questions

Can refer to the data store of a version control system containing the whole history of a project, or to an object that transfers data between the business layer of an application and its data store.

How do I rename a repository on GitHub?

I wanted to rename one of my repositories on GitHub, but I got scared when a big red warning said: …

git github repository
How To Define a JPA Repository Query with a Join

I would like to make a Join query using Jpa repository with annotation @Query. I have two tables: table user …

java jpa orm repository jpql
“tag already exists in the remote" error after recreating the git tag

I get the following error after I run the steps below: To [email protected]:username/repo-name.git ! [rejected] dev …

git repository git-tag
Git: add vs push vs commit

What is the difference between git add, push and commit? Just a little confused coming from SVN, where "update" will …

git repository push commit add
Change old commit message on Git

I was trying to edit an old commit message as explained here. The thing is that now, when I try …

git repository rebase git-rebase
How can I get Maven to stop attempting to check for updates for artifacts from a certain group from maven-central-repo?

I'm working on a fairly big Maven project. We have probably around 70 or so individual artifacts, which are roughly split …

java maven-2 repository
Maven error: Not authorized, ReasonPhrase:Unauthorized

I checked out my code from the Nexus repository repository. I changed the password for my account and set it …

java maven repository maven-3 nexus
Git removing upstream from local repository

I am working with a ruby on rails application and I am trying to sync a fork. It is worth …

git repository git-fetch
Project vs Repository in GitHub

In GitHub, what is the conceptual difference between a project (that can be created inside a repository) and a repository? …

git github version-control repository
How do I make a Git commit in the past?

I'm converting everything over to Git for my own personal use and I found some old versions of a file …

git version-control repository git-commit