Top "Repository" questions

Can refer to the data store of a version control system containing the whole history of a project, or to an object that transfers data between the business layer of an application and its data store.

IntelliJ IDEA: "Indexed Maven Repositories" list - how to add remote maven repository in this list?

I'm having trouble understanding how to get repositories in the "Indexed Maven Repositories" list of the IntelliJ IDEA. In one …

maven-2 intellij-idea repository indexed
Git pull from another repository

I have a repository called Generic, which is a generic application. I have forked it into a repository called Acme, …

git version-control repository dvcs
what are @Repository and @Autowired used for. (Spring)

I am learning java for 3 months and sometimes i can not understand the usage purpose of something. one topic was …

java spring annotations repository autowired
Can you have additional .gitignore per directory within a single repo?

Can you create a .gitignore file in a directory that only applies to files (and directories) within that directory?

git version-control repository gitignore
Why use AsQueryable() instead of List()?

I'm getting into using the Repository Pattern for data access with the Entity Framework and LINQ as the underpinning of …

c# linq repository iqueryable
Writing a git post-receive hook to deal with a specific branch

Here's my current hook in a bare repo that lives in the company's server: git push origin master This hooks …

git repository hook git-bare
Pull remote branch into local repo with different name?

Alright I did a little bit of research on this but I couldn't find an exact answer, so I have …

git github repository
How to roll back Git repo to first commit and delete all history

I'm learning how to use git these days and I had to do many hit-and-misses. Thus I needed to delete …

git repository git-revert
Is it posssible to add default repository/repositories to SLES when the original repository is unavailable?

I've got a SLES server installed by someone who is not available. I've checked /etc/zypp/repos.d , there is …

repository suse sles zypper
Clone multiple git repositories in one local directory?

Is it possible to git clone multiple git repositories with one command (for example: git clone "1.git,2.git,3.git.." in …

git repository git-clone