Top "Replication" questions

The use of redundant resources to improve reliability, fault-tolerance, or performance.

Postgres Hot Standby and Long Running Queries On Slave

Question: Can you have long running queries (30s+) running while having WAL updates applied on the slave (the slave role …

postgresql replication database-replication
ehcache not replicating in liferay cluster

I have the following setup 1.liferay cluster with 2 machines on AWS 2.unicast clustering replication with JGroups over tcp I have …

cluster-computing replication liferay-6 ehcache jgroups
Apache ZooKeeper: How do writes work

Apache ZooKeeper is a kind of high available data-store for small objects. A ZooKeeper cluster consists of some nodes which …

synchronization replication apache-zookeeper
how to exclude some tables from being binlogged in mysql?

I need to exclude some files from being logged in the binary log to avoid wasting my network bandwidth and …

mysql drupal replication binary-log
Setting up MySQL master - master replication

I currently have one master server and want to add another master server for fail over. On the primary server …

mysql replication database-replication mysql-5.6
How to split read-only and read-write transactions with JPA and Hibernate

I have a quite heavy java webapp that serves thousands of requests/sec and it uses a master Postgresql db …

java postgresql hibernate jpa replication
mysql replication - table locking?

I am currently working for a company that has a website running mysql/php (all tables are also using the …

mysql replication locking myisam
Can you replicate a specific database or table using Amazon's RDS

We are using Amazon RDS and we have a MASTER replicating to a SLAVE. We want to create a new …

mysql replication amazon-rds
Is it possible to do N-master => 1-slave replication with MySQL?

I want to make a dedicated SLAVE machine for data replication of three database on three different servers. In other …

mysql replication database-replication
MySQL replication Error 'You cannot 'ALTER' a log table if logging is enabled' on query

MySQL replication got broken with the last error being Last_Errno: 1580 Last_Error: Error 'You cannot 'ALTER' a log table …

mysql replication mysql-error-1064 database-replication