Top "Replication" questions

The use of redundant resources to improve reliability, fault-tolerance, or performance.

Solr indexing - Master/Slave replication, how to handle huge index and high traffic?

I'm currently facing an issue with SOLR (more exactly with the slaves replication) and after having spent quite a few …

solr replication
What is the difference between physical and logical backup?

I was reading about backup. I understood what physical backup is. But I am not able understand what logical backup …

backup replication database-backups
The best technology to synchronize data between different database schemas?

I have an existing SQL Server 2005 database that runs our accounting/inventory application. We are looking at using a new …

sql-server ssis replication data-transfer
ERROR 3098 (HY000): The table does not comply with the requirements by an external plugin

SETUP: Three mysql group replication nodes in master master master. All work fine. I can add users/dbs and insert/…

mysql bash replication mysql-group-replication
Scaling a postgres server to multiple servers

Our postgres server is about hitting its capacity and we're looking into adding a second database server. Are there any …

database postgresql replication scalability load-balancing
Remove [NOT FOR REPLICATION] from all Identity columns of Database tables

I have a Database which is containing lot of tables with Identity columns set to [NOT FOR REPLICATION]. in SQL …

sql sql-server sql-server-2008-r2 replication identity-column
Methods to Verify Cassandra Node Sync

I have a 3 node Cassandra cluster with replication factor of 2. Because one of the nodes has been replaced with a …

cassandra replication
Difference between data replication and synchronization?

I'm having trouble finding the differences between data synchronization and replication. From what I can tell, replication is making all …

replication sync database-replication data-synchronization
Efficiently replicate matrices in R

I have a matrix and look for an efficient way to replicate it n times (where n is the number …

r matrix replication
How do you retrieve the replication factor info in Hdfs files?

I have set the replication factor for my file as follows: hadoop fs -D dfs.replication=5 -copyFromLocal file.txt /user/…

hadoop replication hadoop2