Top "Mysql-5.6" questions

This tag is for the questions related to the version 5.6 of mysql database.

How to solve mysql warning: "InnoDB: page_cleaner: 1000ms intended loop took XXX ms. The settings might not be optimal "?

I ran a mysql import mysql dummyctrad < dumpfile.sql on server and its taking too long to complete. The …

mysql mysql-5.6 mysql-5.7
Resetting ROOT password in MySQL 5.6

I have been following these instructions for resetting root password for local installation of MySQL 5.6 on Windows 7 laptop. I stopped …

mysql windows-7 passwords password-recovery mysql-5.6
ERROR 1006 (HY000) Can't create database (errno: 13) MySQL 5.6.12

I am facing problem creating the database and it results in following error. mysql> show grants for 'admin'@'%…

mysql mysql-5.6
Using utf8mb4 in MySQL

In order to use 4-byte utf8mb4 in MySQL (5.6.11), I have set the following variables in the my.ini file (…

mysql utf-8 character-encoding mysql-5.6 utf8mb4
Setting default value for DATE type column to current date without time part?

NOTE: The question is about DATE type, not Datetime or Timestamp How to alter column of date data type to …

mysql constraints mysql-5.6
Using "TYPE = InnoDB" in MySQL throws exception

When I try to execute the following SQL in MySQL, I'm getting error: SQL: SQL = "CREATE TABLE Ranges ("; SQL += "ID …

mysql sql mysql-5.0 mysql-5.6
How to uninstall MySQL 5.6 when installed by brew on macOS?

Installed MySQL by issuing the following commands: $ brew install mysql56 $ brew services start [email protected] Now I can't access it: $ mysql …

mysql mysql-5.6 process homebrew
Changes to my.cnf don't take effect (Ubuntu 16.04, mysql 5.6)

Changes I make to my.cnf don't seem to have any effect on the mysql environment. Here's a summary of …

mysql mysql-5.6 ubuntu-16.04 my.cnf
MySQL - Invalid utf8mb4 character string on update

My question is almost exactly the same as the one found here MySQL - 1300 - Invalid utf8 character string on …

character-encoding mysql-5.6 utf8mb4
ERROR 1126 (HY000): Can't open shared library '' (errno: 193 )

I am using MySQL 5.6.11 running on 32-bit Microsoft Windows XP (Professional Version 2002 Service Pack 3). I am interested in installing the …

mysql mysql-5.6 mysql-udf