Top "Region" questions

Can refer to many different things depending on the use of other tags with it.

Change heroku region after creation

Thought this could work, but it doesn't: heroku appname --region=eu This works, but I already have an existing app, …

heroku region
Vim spellcheck not always working in .tex file. Check region in Vim

I use Vim to write my .tex files, but I am having trouble with the spell checker in Vim. Sometimes …

vim latex spell-checking region
Prism : Change the active view

I've got an little tool similar to the Windows Control Panel. The tool allows us to manage users, configure databases, …

c# wpf prism region
In C#, how to get the "Country or region" selected under "Region & language" in Windows 10?

I am running Windows 10. When I open "Region & language settings" from the start menu, I can select a "Country …

c# locale culture region country
NSLocale preferredLanguages objectAtIndex:0 always return "en"

Simulator's language already changed to Japanese, why [[NSLocale preferredLanguages] objectAtIndex:0] always return "en"? Neither preferred language nor region is related …

iphone nsuserdefaults region nslocale ios8.1
removing #region

I had to take over a c# project. The guy who developed the software in the first place was deeply …

c# .net visual-studio-addins region