Top "Region" questions

Can refer to many different things depending on the use of other tags with it.

How to set the EndPoint / Region for the C# .NET SDK : EC2Client?

In the JAVA SDK it's possible to set the endpoint, see here. But how to do this for .NET SDK ? …

amazon-s3 region endpoint
How to read "List Separator" settings from Regional configuration of control panel?

I'm making multi culture plugin for MS Word,Excel where I need to identify setting value provided in Regional Settings …

c# configuration region controlpanel
Amazon S3 region transfer?

How I can transfer the content of a S3 bucket of a specific region to another S3 bucket of another …

amazon-s3 transfer region
iPhone MKMapView: set map region to show all pins on map

I'm trying to set the map region (center and span) so that the map shows all pin-annotations at the same …

ios mkmapview html region
#region analogue for eclipse

can somebody tell me, is there an analogue of a Visual Studio #region feature for Eclipse IDE ? I really need …

visual-studio eclipse ide region
Does Sublime Text 2 have the ability to region code similar to Visual Studio?

In Visual Studio you can minimize huge chunks of code using regions; they essentially just surround the code and minimize …

visual-studio sublimetext2 minimize region folding
how to add imageView to javafx region element?

I would like to know how I can add ImageView Elements to a Region Element in JavaFx 2.1. Maybe I get …

imageview javafx-2 region
How to configure Visual Studio to collapse all regions by default?

When I open a code file in a new code window, I press Ctrl+M,O to collapse everything there. …

c# .net visual-studio region
Automatically Add Regions to Code in Visual Studio

My team absolutely loves using regions, and with that in mind it's pretty much become a de-facto standard in our …

c# visual-studio-2010 region visual-studio-macros
Best practice for OnPaint, Invalidate, Clipping and Regions

I have a User Control with completely custom drawn graphics of many objects which draw themselves (called from OnPaint), with …

c# clipping region invalidation onpaint