iPhone MKMapView: set map region to show all pins on map

pawi picture pawi · Feb 18, 2011 · Viewed 19.5k times · Source

I'm trying to set the map region (center and span) so that the map shows all pin-annotations at the same time.

I'm having trouble converting the long/lat coordinates from NSString to double, resp. make calculations with them. Here is the code I'm using:

- (void)updateMemberPins{

//calculate new region to show on map
double center_long = 0.0f;
double center_lat = 0.0f;
double max_long = 0.0f;
double min_long = 0.0f;
double max_lat = 0.0f;
double min_lat = 0.0f;

for (Member *member in members) {
    //find min and max values
    if ([member.locLat doubleValue] > max_lat) {max_lat = [member.locLat doubleValue];}
    if ([member.locLat doubleValue] < min_lat) {min_lat = [member.locLat doubleValue];}
    if ([member.locLong doubleValue] > max_long) {max_long = [member.locLong doubleValue];}
    if ([member.locLong doubleValue] < min_long) {min_long = [member.locLong doubleValue];}
    //sum up long and lang to get average later
    center_lat = center_lat + [member.locLat doubleValue];
    center_long = center_long + [member.locLong doubleValue];

//calculate average long / lat
center_lat = center_lat / [members count];
center_long = center_long / [members count];

NSLog(@"center long: %d, center lat: %d", center_long, center_lat);
NSLog(@"max_long: %d, min_long: %d, max_lat: %d, min_lat: %d", max_long, min_long, max_lat, min_lat);
//create new region and set map
CLLocationCoordinate2D coord = {latitude: center_lat, longitude: center_long};
MKCoordinateSpan span = MKCoordinateSpanMake(abs(max_lat) + abs(min_lat), abs(max_long) + abs(min_long));
MKCoordinateRegion region = {coord, span};
[resultMapView setRegion:region];

//remove all pins from map
[resultMapView removeAnnotations:resultMapView.annotations];

//show member pins
for (id member in members) {
    [resultMapView addAnnotation:(Member *) member];


The result of the log-output is:

center long: -1946827116, center lat: 1075651472

max_long: -6267216, min_long: 1076018553, max_lat: 0, min_lat: 0

I think the problem comes from (wrongly) converting values from NSString to double, however I cannot find a way to make it work... The format of the location-strings is like '43.5686473'.

Any hints? Cheerz


pawi picture pawi · Feb 21, 2011

The final, working code for those looking for something similiar:

    - (void)updateMemberPins{

    //remove all pins from map
    [resultMapView removeAnnotations:resultMapView.annotations];

    if ([members count] > 0) {

        @try {
            //calculate new region to show on map           
            Member *firstMember = [members objectAtIndex:0];
            double max_long = [firstMember.locLong doubleValue];
            double min_long = [firstMember.locLong doubleValue];
            double max_lat = [firstMember.locLat doubleValue];
            double min_lat = [firstMember.locLat doubleValue];

            //find min and max values
            for (Member *member in members) {
                if ([member.locLat doubleValue] > max_lat) {max_lat = [member.locLat doubleValue];}
                if ([member.locLat doubleValue] < min_lat) {min_lat = [member.locLat doubleValue];}
                if ([member.locLong doubleValue] > max_long) {max_long = [member.locLong doubleValue];}
                if ([member.locLong doubleValue] < min_long) {min_long = [member.locLong doubleValue];}

            //calculate center of map
            double center_long = (max_long + min_long) / 2;
            double center_lat = (max_lat + min_lat) / 2;

            //calculate deltas
            double deltaLat = abs(max_lat - min_lat);
            double deltaLong = abs(max_long - min_long);

            //set minimal delta
            if (deltaLat < 5) {deltaLat = 5;}
            if (deltaLong < 5) {deltaLong = 5;}

            //NSLog(@"center long: %f, center lat: %f", center_long, center_lat);
            //NSLog(@"max_long: %f, min_long: %f, max_lat: %f, min_lat: %f", max_long, min_long, max_lat, min_lat);

            //create new region and set map
            CLLocationCoordinate2D coord = {latitude: center_lat, longitude: center_long};
            MKCoordinateSpan span = MKCoordinateSpanMake(deltaLat, deltaLong);
            MKCoordinateRegion region = {coord, span};
            [resultMapView setRegion:region];

        @catch (NSException * e) {
            NSLog(@"Error calculating new map region: %@", e);
        @finally {
            //show member pins
            for (id member in members) {
                [resultMapView addAnnotation:(Member *) member];

