Top "Refresh" questions

The periodic energizing required to maintain the contents of computer memory, screen, etc.

How to Redraw or Refresh a screen

I am working on a wpf application. Here I need to use System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog in my Wpf application. …

c# wpf refresh folderbrowserdialog
What happens when we refresh a web page?

I was hoping if anyone can answer a fundamental question that I have regarding refreshing of a web page. I … refresh webpage
Android: How to refresh a tablelayout after removing a row?

I have a tablelayout that retrieves data from a *.txt file. For every line of data in the txt file, …

java android refresh tablelayout tablerow
Is there a way to force Yii to reload module assets on every request?

My website is divided into separate modules. Every module has it's own specific css or js files in /protected/modules/…

php yii refresh reload assets
Update Lines in matplotlib

I have a graph with multiple data sets on it. I need to continually redraw these lines, each separately, as …

python matplotlib refresh graphing
Refresh page when colorbox is closed

i'm using colorbox and i want to refresh page when it will be closed, so i try something like this: $.…

jquery ajax refresh colorbox
PHP - Session_Destroy upon pressing Back button

Here is my issue: I have a login page called login.php (containing no HTML code). When the user types …

php session refresh back destroy
android: Refresh ListView using ListAdapter and SimpleCursorAdapter

I'm trying to refresh a ListView that uses a ListAdapter created as a SimpleCursorAdapter. Here is my code for creating …

android listview refresh listadapter simplecursoradapter
Android update Widget from a button click

I have a widget that shows some informations from database. The widget is periodically updated every one hour. But i …

android widget refresh android-appwidget
refresh / reload a datagrid in flex

I am using a datagrid. It has itemEditor components, combo boxes, etc. as aprt of columns. Ideally datagrid.invalidateList() method …

apache-flex datagrid refresh reload itemeditor