Top "Listadapter" questions

ListAdapter is an Extended Adapter that is the bridge between a ListView or GridView and the data that backs the it.

How to Get a Layout Inflater Given a Context?

I am writing a custom implementation of a ListAdapter. In its constructor, I'm taking in a Context, a resource ID (…

android listview listadapter
Is there a super simple List / ListAdapter example out there for android

I have a web service that returns a super simple list of objects MyObject[] data = webServiceCall(); MyObject has 1 field i …

android listview android-activity listadapter
How to finish an activity from an Adapter..?

I tried with passing context of activity into the adapter and then i tried context.finish(); But its giving me …

android android-activity listadapter
Recyclerview not call any Adapter method :onCreateViewHolder,onBindViewHolder,

my RecyclerView do not call onCreateViewHolder, onBindViewHolder, therefore, does not appear nothing in recyclerview. I put logs for debugging, and …

java android listadapter android-recyclerview
Highlight selected item in ListView on Android

I have been making an application that works with ListViews in Android, and I can't make it so that the …

android xml listview android-listview listadapter
What is the difference between ArrayAdapter , BaseAdapter and ListAdapter

Could you please tell me difference between ArrayAdapter , BaseAdapter and ListAdapter.

android android-arrayadapter listadapter baseadapter
ListView addHeaderView causes position to increase by one?

Below is a code snippet with a ListView. I added an emptyView and a headerView. Adding the headerView causes the …

android listview listadapter
Android ListView with multiple select and custom adapter

I have a ListView with a custom adapter. The ListView allows multiple select, but somehow it's not recognising when an …

android listview listadapter multiple-select
Android : clear listview in Listadapter

Possible Duplicate: how to clear my listview in android In android, i have used a listadapter, simple adapter and passed …

android listview listadapter
ListAdapter not updating item in RecyclerView

I'm using the new support library ListAdapter. Here's my code for the adapter class ArtistsAdapter : ListAdapter<Artist, ArtistsAdapter.ViewHolder&…

android kotlin listadapter