ListAdapter is an Extended Adapter that is the bridge between a ListView or GridView and the data that backs the it.
Instead of creating multiple activities, I would like to change the ArrayAdapter of the ListView as needed. I don't see …
android listview android-arrayadapter listadapterI'm trying to refresh a ListView that uses a ListAdapter created as a SimpleCursorAdapter. Here is my code for creating …
android listview refresh listadapter simplecursoradapterI want to transform an existing RSS reader app of mine to the Master Detail example delivered with the SDK. …
android android-listview android-listfragment listadapter custom-listsI've been trawling the internet looking for an answer for several hours, but I can't seem to find anyone who …
android listview scroll onclick listadapterI'm currently developing an android app using MVP Pattern. When I try to develop an Activity, I should use a …
android listview mvp listadapterIs it possible to Get the GridLayout items from the Adapter in Android. Like, The items in the GridView come …
android grid adapter listadapter grid-layoutAs you would guess everything loads fine, no click event get triggered. Before I start I have read so many …
android listview listadapter onitemclicklistenerI'm using a custom ListAdapter for a ListView. I don't change anything dynamically (view count, view types, enabled/disabled, I …
java android listview listadapterI have a custom list and it takes few minutes to show-up. When I was trying to check where the …
android listview listadapterI've read alot about this one on SO but i havent been able to find a solution in my case. …
android android-listview listadapter illegalstateexception