Top "Custom-lists" questions

Android - delete a row from list view on button click

i am creating an application in which data is got from a barcode scanner which identifies from an id, and …

android android-listview custom-adapter custom-lists
Creating "Append-Only" Comment Field in Custom SharePoint List

I am relatively new to SharePoint, working with WSS SharePoint 2.0. The "Issues" list template contains an "append-only" comment column. The …

sharepoint custom-lists
Convert Array to custom object list c#

I have a array:- private string[][] barValues = new string[][] { new string[]{ "1.9", "5.8", "4.8", "Since Inception", "24-Jan 2014 to 24 Jun 2014" }, new string[]{"1.2", "16.5","9.8", "Year …

c# arrays custom-lists
Sharepoint 2010 - Hide "Title" field in Custom Content Type

Now I'm defining a new Custom List Definition within a Custom Content Type, The problem simply is the Title field …

xml sharepoint sharepoint-2010 custom-lists
How to use intent in baseadapter class

Hi I have a base adapter class for custom listview. my listview has a button. when i press that button, …

android custom-lists
Trying to pivot data using linq

I have the following class structure: public class TaskLog { public DateTime LogDate { get; set; } public string Robot { get; set; } public …

c# linq custom-lists
Android: ListView with custom ListAdapter in ListFragment is not shown

I want to transform an existing RSS reader app of mine to the Master Detail example delivered with the SDK. …

android android-listview android-listfragment listadapter custom-lists
how to select all checkbox in custom listview from activity in android

I have a custom listview which content two textview and one checkbox. When checkbox is checked then id is stored …

android checkbox custom-lists
How to develop ListView within ListView?

Friends, I am trying to develop an application which requires the below UI: I know its not a feasible thing …

android android-listview custom-lists