Top "Refresh" questions

The periodic energizing required to maintain the contents of computer memory, screen, etc.

Jfreechart - Refresh a chart according to changing data

I would like to know how to refresh a chart if we want to change "in live" some piece of …

java refresh jfreechart
ECharts refresh on data change

I'm currently working on an interactive chart which should calculate potential risk-factors of commercial project. I've been using Baidu ECharts …

refresh baidu echarts

How to update ALL the dirty entities from the data store, and reset their changed values to the original store …

entity-framework refresh reload dirty-data objectstatemanager
Xcode: Any way to refresh/re-run the playground?

The Playground in Xcode automatically updates as you type, but I can't figure out how to get the Playground to "…

ios swift refresh xcode6 swift-playground
jquery doesn't see new elements

I am new to JQuery, so bear with me :). I have a simple problem: $(document).ready(function() { $("#instrument").change(function() { $("#…

jquery dom refresh
How do you force refresh of a wx.Panel?

I am trying to modify the controls of a Panel, have it update, then continue on with code execution. The …

python wxpython refresh panel
remember after refresh selected row in extjs grid

I have a problem. I use extjs grid. This grid will be refreshed every seconds. I refresh with this function: …

extjs grid refresh row selection
How do I stop Eclipse from refreshing some dir?

Every time I start Eclipse it tries to refresh an entire project, which translates to more than 10 minutes of wait …

eclipse refresh
Browser refresh behaviour

When a user hits Refresh on their browser, it reloads the page but keeps the contents of form fields. While …

html http refresh
maintaining TreeSet sort as object changes value

I've got a object that defines a 'natural sort order' using Comparable<>. These are being stored in TreeSets. …

java collections refresh treeset sortedset