Top "React-native" questions

React native is a JavaScript library used to build native mobile apps using React.

Hide/Show components in react native

I'm really new to React Native and I'm wondering how can I hide/show a component. Here's my test case: &…

javascript react-native
ReactJS: Maximum update depth exceeded error

I am trying to toggle the state of a component in ReactJS but I get an error stating: Maximum update …

javascript reactjs react-native
How to check the installed version of React-Native

I'm going to upgrade react-native but before I do, I need to know which version I'm upgrading from to see …

What is the difference between React Native and React?

I have started to learn React out of curiosity and wanted to know the difference between React and React Native …

javascript reactjs react-native javascript-framework
How to set background color of view transparent in React Native

This is the style of the view that i have used backCover: { position: 'absolute', marginTop: 20, top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0, } Currently …

Image resizing in React Native

I am trying to resize an image (smaller to fit screen) in my react native app but am unable to …

javascript reactjs react-native
100% width in React Native Flexbox

I have already read several flexbox tutorial, but I still cannot make this simple task to work. How can I …

flexbox react-native
React Native fetch() Network Request Failed

When I create a brand new project using react-native init (RN version 0.29.1) and put a fetch in the render method …

javascript react-native fetch-api
What's the best way to add a full screen background image in React Native

I wanted to add a full-screen image to the View so I write this code return ( <View style={styles.…

javascript react-native
What is the difference between using constructor vs getInitialState in React / React Native?

I've seen both used interchangeably. What are the main use cases for both? Are there advantages / disadvantages? Is one a …

reactjs react-native constructor