Top "Javascript-framework" questions

A JavaScript framework is a library of pre-written JavaScript which allows for easier development of JavaScript-based applications, especially for AJAX and other web-centric technologies.

AngularJS passing data to $http.get request

I have a function which does a http POST request. The code is specified below. This works fine. $http({ url: …

javascript angularjs javascript-framework
jQuery: Check if div with certain class name exists

Using jQuery I'm programmatically generating a bunch of div's like this: <div class="mydivclass" id="myid1">Some Text1&…

javascript jquery jquery-selectors javascript-framework
Angular JS break ForEach

I have an angular foreach loop and i want to break from loop if i match a value. The following …

angularjs javascript-framework
What is the difference between React Native and React?

I have started to learn React out of curiosity and wanted to know the difference between React and React Native …

javascript reactjs react-native javascript-framework
How to create a jQuery plugin with methods?

I'm trying to write a jQuery plugin that will provide additional functions/methods to the object that calls it. All …

javascript jquery jquery-plugins javascript-framework
Error: 10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting! with dynamic sortby predicate

I have the following code which repeats and displays the name of the user and his score: <div ng-controller="…

angularjs javascript-framework
AngularJs ReferenceError: $http is not defined

I have the following Angular function: $scope.updateStatus = function(user) { $http({ url: user.update_path, method: "POST", data: {user_id: …

angularjs javascript-framework angular-http
How to get an element by its href in jquery?

I want to get an element by its href attribute in jquery or javascript. Is that possible?

javascript jquery html javascript-framework
Pass variables to AngularJS controller, best practice?

I am brand new to AngularJS and like what I've seen so far, especially the model / view binding. I'd like …

javascript javascript-framework angularjs
How to generate UL Li list from string array using jquery?

I have string array like 'United States', 'Canada', 'Argentina', 'Armenia', 'Aruba', 'Australia', 'Austria', 'Azerbaijan', 'Bahamas', 'Bangladesh', 'Belarus', 'Belgium'**, ... etc. I …

jquery jquery-ui jquery-selectors javascript-framework