Top "Javascript-framework" questions

A JavaScript framework is a library of pre-written JavaScript which allows for easier development of JavaScript-based applications, especially for AJAX and other web-centric technologies.

Frontend javascript frameworks with node.js

I am starting to learn frontend JavaScript frameworks like Backbone.js or Embers.js and I wanted to do some …

javascript node.js backbone.js ember.js javascript-framework
How to set up JavaScript namespace and classes properly?

It seems there are so many ways to set up a JavaScript application so it is confusing as to which …

javascript oop javascript-framework javascript-objects javascript-namespaces
ng-model preventing checked="checked" to select radio button by default

When I use checked="checked" ng-model prevents the radio button from being selected by default. Does anyone know what could …

javascript angularjs javascript-framework
PMT function in Javascript

I want to use Excel PMT function in Javascript. The parameter would be Pmt( interest_rate, number_payments, PV, FV, …

javascript excel excel-formula javascript-framework
Angular JS observe on directive attribute

How can angular js watch attributes on custom directive in order to accept angular values to be bind Here is …

angularjs angularjs-directive javascript javascript-framework
Is there anyway to detect OS language using javascript?

I need to detect OS language using javascript so I can view my page depending on the language. I know …

javascript javascript-framework
Google AngularJS Framework - Worth the risk?

I have been asked to build a small web application for one of our clients and think it might be …

c# javascript javascript-framework angularjs
Ext js Updating the total count of a paging toolbar on the fly

This should be fairly simple but I haven't found a way to do it yet. I am using a ExtJs …

extjs javascript-framework
Angular JS views not updating properly

I have the following action ng-click in my view -> which inturn calls a jQuery ajax function that displays …

angularjs javascript-framework
What are the real-world strengths and weaknesses of the many frameworks based on backbone.js?

Hope that someone can share their experience with some of the latest emerging backbone.js variants out there. I have …

backbone.js javascript-framework