Top "React-native" questions

React native is a JavaScript library used to build native mobile apps using React.

Axios get in url works but with second parameter as object it doesn't

I'm trying to send GET request as second parameter but it doesn't work while it does as url. This works, $_…

reactjs react-native redux axios
Failed to find Build Tools revision 23.0.1

I am trying to build my first app with react-native. I am following these 2 tutorial:…

android linux react-native
What is useState() in React?

I am currently learning hooks concept in React and trying to understand below example. import { useState } from 'react'; function Example() { // …

javascript reactjs react-native react-hooks react-state
error Failed to build iOS project. We ran "xcodebuild" command but it exited with error code 65

I've build a react-native application and suddenly I get this error message on my terminal during run of the command …

xcode react-native
How to use zIndex in react-native

I've want to achieve the following: The following images are what I can do right now, but that's NOT what …

javascript react-native flexbox
Get size of a View in React Native

Is it possible to get the size (width and height) of a certain view? For example, I have a view …

ios react-native
Does React Native styles support gradients?

I see that someone made this for it: But is there support for it in …

how to delete installed library form react native project

I have installed a third party library in my project but it is not working , so I want to delete …

Hide header in stack navigator React navigation

I'm trying to switch screen using both stack and tab navigator. const MainNavigation = StackNavigator({ otp: { screen: OTPlogin }, otpverify: { screen: OTPverification}, …

javascript react-native react-navigation expo
Build and Install unsigned apk on device without the development server?

As I am new in react-native so if there is anything wrong in steps let me know. I have build …

android apk react-native