Top "React-native" questions

React native is a JavaScript library used to build native mobile apps using React.

React Native TextInput that only accepts numeric characters

I need to have a React Native TextInput component that will only allow numeric characters (0 - 9) to be entered. I …

React Native: Getting the position of an element

I am styling an Image component with flexbox to be in the center of the screen which works pretty well. …

javascript ios reactjs react-native
Error: Unable to resolve module `react-native-gesture-handler`

I try to use navigate in react-native.. I added : npm install --save react-navigation but it gives me an error like …

Change App Name In React Native

I'm trying to figure out how to change a ReactNative app name. The installed APK on my device is simply "…

How do you style a TextInput in react native for password input

I have a TextInput. Instead of showing the actual text entered, I want it to show asterisks (****) when the user …

Run react-native on android emulator

I try to run react-native app on genymotion android emulator on my mac. When I write react-native run-android It gets …

android-emulator react-native adb genymotion react-native-android
React-Native: Module AppRegistry is not a registered callable module

I'm currently trying to get the ES6 react-native-webpack-server running on an Android emulator. The difference is I've upgraded my package.…

android react-native webpack
React Native version mismatch

Getting the following message when I init a new project and then launch the Xcode emulator: React-Native Version Mismatch Javascript …

react-native react-native-android react-native-ios
React native ERROR Packager can't listen on port 8081

When I run command react-native start, it shows Packager can't listen on port 8081. I know the issue is about software …

React-native view auto width by text inside

As far as I know, react-native stylesheet doesn't supports min-width/max-width property. I have a view and text inside. The …

javascript reactjs react-native