Top "Rails-3.1" questions

Ruby on Rails version 3.1.0 is a specific version of Ruby on Rails.

URL of images in JavaScript code using Rails 3.1 asset pipeline?

In CSS files, you can get the proper name of an image asset (with the fingerprint) by using: background-image: url(…

javascript image asset-pipeline rails-3.1
heroku run console returns 'Error connecting to process'

I have deployed a rails 3.1 app to Heroku Cedar stack, and am trying to perform a: heroku run rake db:…

ruby-on-rails heroku ruby-on-rails-3.1 rails-3.1 cedar
Upgrade from rails 3.1.3 to rails 3.2.1. Error with assets

I try to upgrade my application from rails 3.1.3 to rails 3.2.1 and I have a problem with assets. I have this …

ruby-on-rails rails-3.1