Top "Cedar" questions

**'Celadon Cedar'** is the newest runtime stack for apps hosted on heroku.

Running rake db:drop db:create db:migrate on Heroku Cedar stack

When I try to run: heroku run rake db:drop db:create db:migrate I get the error: Running rake …

ruby-on-rails heroku rake cedar
Rails 3.2: Heroku push rejected, no Cedar-supported app detected

Rails newbie here. I'm trying to deploy my Rails 3.1/Ruby 1.9.3-p0 app to Heroku and have followed all the steps …

ruby-on-rails heroku cedar
heroku run console returns 'Error connecting to process'

I have deployed a rails 3.1 app to Heroku Cedar stack, and am trying to perform a: heroku run rake db:…

ruby-on-rails heroku ruby-on-rails-3.1 rails-3.1 cedar
Heroku logging not working

I've got a rails 3.1 app deployed on Heroku Cedar. I'm having a problem with the logging. The default rails logs …

heroku ruby-on-rails-3.1 cedar
How to enable gzip compression on Heroku Cedar (Python/Flask/Gunicorn)

How do I enable GZIP compression on the new Heroku Cedar stack? This is straight from their site: Since requests …

python heroku gzip flask cedar