Top "Radio-button" questions

Radio buttons are elements used in forms.

Validate radio button on server side using servlets

I'm just wondering if it's possible to validate or check that at least one radio button has been selected on …

java validation servlets radio-button server-side-validation
Strange behavior with preventDefault() and radio buttons

See this jsFiddle: It seems that the preventDefault() method doesn't prevent the clicked radio button …

javascript jquery onclick radio-button preventdefault
RadioButtonList without the Radio Button Circle?

basically, i just want the RadioButtonList without the radio button on it, i will code the rbl so that selected … webforms radio-button radiobuttonlist
How to setup multiple radio button groups for proper tab-order and keyboard interaction (WIN32)?

First of all this is not MFC. Here is a cropped version of the GUI I have been working on: …

c++ winapi window radio-button win32gui
SWT: set radio buttons programmatically

When I create a couple of radio buttons (new Button(parent, SWT.RADIO)) and set the selection programmatically using radioButton5.…

radio-button swt radio-group - get the text of the selected item in a radiobutton group

I've found this code, but I was wondering whether there's a more streamlined way to do it. So for example, … radio-button groupname
Radiobuttons instead of dropdownlist in mvc 3 application?

I have a View where the model has a collection of items. Then I have an EditorFor template that takes … drop-down-menu radio-button editorfor
Why are radio buttons called 'radio' buttons?

I was thinking about my first contact with html language and I remembered when I was looking for that specific …

user-interface radio-button history uielement
Possible to allow all radio buttons to be unchecked in an Android app?

Just wanted to see if anyone knows if there's a radiogroup or radiobutton attribute or something else quick that will …

android radio-button radio-group
Primefaces :radioButton inside a ui:repeat

This is my xhtml code : <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3…

layout radio-button primefaces uirepeat