Primefaces :radioButton inside a ui:repeat

afterbit picture afterbit · Mar 21, 2012 · Viewed 7.7k times · Source

This is my xhtml code :

 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns=""

    <title>Custom Radio Test</title>


    <h:form id="mF" >

      <p:selectOneRadio id="ITRadioGrp" value="#{testBean.radioSelectedValue}" layout="custom">
        <f:selectItems value="#{testBean.selectItems}" />

      <h:panelGrid columns="1">

        <ui:repeat id="vBGOF" value="#{testBean.groupOfFlights}" var="aFlight" varStatus="gofIndex">
          <p:radioButton for="ITRadioGrp" itemIndex="#{gofIndex.index}"/> #{aFlight}





and this is the managed bean :

    package com.modern;

import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean;
import javax.faces.bean.RequestScoped;
import javax.faces.model.SelectItem;
import java.util.*;

public class TestBean {

  private String radioSelectedValue;
  private String[] groupOfFlights;
  private List selectItems;

  public TestBean() {
    groupOfFlights = new String[]{"FlightOne", "FlightTwo", "FlightThree"};

  public String[] getGroupOfFlights() {
    return groupOfFlights;

  public void setGroupOfFlights(String[] groupOfFlights) {
    this.groupOfFlights = groupOfFlights;

  public String getRadioSelectedValue() {
    return radioSelectedValue;

  public void setRadioSelectedValue(String radioSelectedValue) {
    this.radioSelectedValue = radioSelectedValue;

  // modified
  public List getSelectItems() {
    try {
      if (selectItems == null || selectItems.isEmpty()) {
        selectItems = new ArrayList();
        for (int g = 0; g < 3; g++) {
          SelectItem option = new SelectItem(g, "flight" + (g + 1)); // value, label
    } catch (Exception e) {
      System.out.println(this.getClass().getName() + "] EXCEPTION " + e.toString());
    return selectItems;

  public void setSelectItems(List selectItems) {
    this.selectItems = selectItems;

I always get the same error :

Cannot find component 'mF:ITRadioGrp' in view.

javax.faces.FacesException: Cannot find component 'mF:ITRadioGrp' in view.
    at org.primefaces.component.radiobutton.RadioButtonRenderer.findSelectOneRadio(
    at org.primefaces.component.radiobutton.RadioButtonRenderer.encodeEnd(
    at javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase.encodeEnd(
    at javax.faces.component.UIComponent.encodeAll(
    at com.sun.faces.facelets.component.RepeatRenderer.encodeChildren(
    at com.sun.faces.facelets.component.UIRepeat.process(
    at com.sun.faces.facelets.component.UIRepeat.encodeChildren(
    at com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.HtmlBasicRenderer.encodeRecursive(
    at com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.GridRenderer.renderRow(
    at com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.GridRenderer.encodeChildren(
    at javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase.encodeChildren(
    at javax.faces.component.UIComponent.encodeAll(
    at javax.faces.render.Renderer.encodeChildren(
    at javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase.encodeChildren(
    at javax.faces.component.UIComponent.encodeAll(
    at javax.faces.component.UIComponent.encodeAll(
    at javax.faces.component.UIComponent.encodeAll(
    at com.sun.faces.application.view.FaceletViewHandlingStrategy.renderView(
    at com.sun.faces.application.view.MultiViewHandler.renderView(
    at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.RenderResponsePhase.execute(
    at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.Phase.doPhase(

I've tried to change the "for" attribute in

<p:radioButton for="mF:ITRadioGrp" itemIndex="#{gofIndex.index}"/> #{aFlight}

to (i checked the HTML source deleting the layout=custom" in p:selectOneRadio) :

  1. mF:ITRadioGrp
  2. ITRadioGrp
  3. mF:ITRadioGrp:0
  4. mF:ITRadioGrp:1 ...

but always same error!! where i'm wrong??? Thanks!


Matt Handy picture Matt Handy · Mar 21, 2012

Use a colon as prefix in order to address the p:selectOneRadio beginning from the view root:

<p:radioButton for=":mF:ITRadioGrp" itemIndex="#{gofIndex.index}"/>

If this does not work, look into the html source of your page in browser and find the correct client id for the p:selectOneRadio. Use this id in your for attribute.