Top "Radio-button" questions

Radio buttons are elements used in forms.

Checking a radio button with jQuery when radio button is runat="server"?

Using jQuery I want to be able to click an element which will also checks it's related radio button. I … jquery html radio-button checked
ng-checked='true' not working

Template - 1 <ul> <li> <label><input type="radio" ng-checked="true" /> One</…

angularjs html radio-button angularjs-ng-checked
Android disable radio group in xml

In my android application, I need to disable radio group in xml layout. I searched, but I found only through …

android android-layout radio-button android-xml radio-group
How to uncheck RadioButton if already checked in RadioGroup

I have two RadioButtons in RadioGroup, initially both are unchecked. I want to uncheck RadioButton if it is already checked. …

android radio-button radio-group
OnCheckedChangeListener & OnClickListener in android -- Button half-works on first click, finishes on second click?

Well... here's a problem it looks like I'm not the first to experience looking through other questions, however I can't …

android radio-button onclicklistener oncheckedchanged
Tab order in radio buttons is not working

Can any one tell me how to specify tab order in JSF2.0 Moajarra? I'm having a text box (h:inputText) …

html jsf-2 radio-button tabindex
How do You Add Radio Buttons To Menu Items?

I would like to add radio buttons to my menu items. I have seen a few answers where people were …

c# wpf radio-button menuitem
call change() event handler if I select radio button programatically

I have HTML like this: <input type="radio" name="type" value="FL" checked="checked" />Fixed <input type="…

javascript jquery radio-button radiobuttonlist
How to use setTextColor for Android Radio Buttons?

I am trying to change the text color of a RadioButton (which is defined in an xml layout and is …

android radio-button textcolor
RadioButtons with TextView in RadioGroup

Is it possible to add TextView below RadioButton in RadioGroup in any other way than extending and creating my custom …

android textview radio-button radio-group