Top "Qtcore" questions

Questions related to the QtCore module that provides core non-graphical classes used by other modules.

how does readyRead() work in Qt?

It's my first question on this website ! I have some trouble reading datas from a COM port, I send a …

c++ qt qtcore qtserialport qiodevice
function of pyqtSlot

I just read a tutorial about pyqt5 button from here. And the code is as below. There is a question …

python pyqt pyqt5 qtcore
ImportError: cannot import name 'QtCore'

I am getting the below error with the following imports. It seems to be related to pandas import. I am …

python anaconda python-import qtcore
Does Q_UNUSED have any side effects?

Given the following piece of code: void test(int var) { Q_UNUSED(var); #ifdef SOMETHING printf("%d",var); //do something …

c++ qt macros qtcore
Get system username in Qt

Is there any cross platform way to get the current username in a Qt C++ program? I've crawled the internet …

c++ qt qtcore
QFile doesn't recognize file:/// url path format

I get the file path from Qml like this: mainView.projectFilePath = Qt.resolvedUrl(newProjectFileDlg.fileUrl).toString(); The above file path …

c++ qt qml qtcore qurl
Convert qint64 to QString

With other types I could easily do something like mitm.created().toString("yyyy-MM-dd") Is there a similar function to turn …

c++ qt qt4 qstring qtcore
Parse jsonarray?

I've got an JSON like the following: { "agentsArray": [{ "ID": 570, "picture": "03803.png", "name": "Bob" }, { "ID": 571, "picture": "02103.png", "name": "Tina" }] } Now I'm …

c++ json qt qt5 qtcore
What's the difference between QString[] and QStringList

What's the difference between an object of QStringList and an Array of QStrings? I mean it seems that both behave …

c++ arrays qt qstring qtcore
Converting QList to QVariant

The class contains this: Q_PROPERTY(QList<double> switch1 READ switch1 WRITE setSwitch1 NOTIFY switch1Changed) void setSwitch2(…

c++ qt qtcore qlist qvariant