Top "Qlist" questions

QList is a class in Qt that implements a list, providing fast index-access, as well as fast insertions and removals of elements.

Qt: is removing QList elements while iterating using foreach macro possible?

I'm new to Qt and trying to learn the idioms. The foreach documentation says: Qt automatically takes a copy of …

c++ qt foreach qlist
What is the right way to initialize a QList?

What is the right way to initialize QList? I want to make this code shorter: QSplitter splitter; QList<int&…

c++ qt qlist
Accessing C++ QLists from QML

If I've got a list of things in C++, how do I expose that to QML (in Qt5 / QtQuick 2)? It …

c++ qml qt5 qlist qtquick2
How to get the min and the max of a QList in Qt without using any iterator?

Is there a way to get the min and the max of a QList in Qt without using any iterator ? …

c++ qt qlist
How to iterate through a QStringList

I'm trying to iterate through two different directories. The two directories are on the same root /. void MainWindow::loadPlugins() { pluginsDir = …

c++ qt iteration qstring qlist
How do you append an object to QList?

I'm trying to create a list of objects using QList, but I'm getting an error when I try to add …

c++ qt5 qlist
Save QList<int> to QSettings

I want to save a QList<int> to my QSettings without looping through it. I know that I …

qt qlist
Appending pointers to QList

I need to insert pointers of classes (inherited from QObject) into a QList. I know that the following syntax can …

c++ qt pointers qlist
Appending to QList of QList

I'm trying to append items to a QList at runtime, but I'm running on a error message. Basically what I'm …

c++ qt qlist
Converting QList to QVariant

The class contains this: Q_PROPERTY(QList<double> switch1 READ switch1 WRITE setSwitch1 NOTIFY switch1Changed) void setSwitch2(…

c++ qt qtcore qlist qvariant