Accessing C++ QLists from QML

Timmmm picture Timmmm · Jan 11, 2013 · Viewed 29.8k times · Source

If I've got a list of things in C++, how do I expose that to QML (in Qt5 / QtQuick 2)? It seems like QML can only understand QObject-derived classes, which is an issue because QObjects can't be put in a QList or copied. How do I do this:

struct Thing
    int size;
    QString name;

class ThingManager : public QObject

    // These macros support QtQuick, in case we one day want to use it to make a slick
    // interface (when QML desktop components are released).
    Q_PROPERTY(QList<Thing> things READ things NOTIFY thingssChanged)

    // ...
    QList<Thing> things() const;

    // ...


So that I can do something like this in QML:?

var a = thingManager.things[0].name;


Dickson picture Dickson · Jan 14, 2013

Alternatively, You can use QVariantList (QList<QVariant>), it will automatically change to JavaScript array when passed to QML, and it is read and write-able from C++ and QML