Top "Qurl" questions

Class for handling URLs from Qt.

QFile doesn't recognize file:/// url path format

I get the file path from Qml like this: mainView.projectFilePath = Qt.resolvedUrl(newProjectFileDlg.fileUrl).toString(); The above file path …

c++ qt qml qtcore qurl
How do you port QUrl addQueryItem to Qt5's QUrlQuery?

In Qt 4, the following code using QUrl works: QUrl u; foreach (const settings::PostItem & pi, u.addQueryItem(…

qt qt5 qurl
Convert QUrl with percent encoding into string

I use a URL entered by the user as text to initialize a QUrl object. Later I want to convert …

qt urlencode qstring qurl
Qt5 posting data to server using QUrl / QNetworkRequest

I have a piece of code that worked in 4.8 but now I need to port it to Qt5 (beta2) This …

qt qnetworkaccessmanager qt5 qurl
How do I use QDesktopServices::openUrl with 'file:' URL containing '#'?

In my application, I generate a HTML file that I want to open by clicking on a button. So my …

qt qurl qdesktopservices