Top "Qtcore" questions

Questions related to the QtCore module that provides core non-graphical classes used by other modules.

Printing Qt variables

I'm programming in Qt, but I'm more accustomed to PHP. So with that in mind, how do I 'echo' or …

c++ qt qstring qtcore qdebug
Understanding QTimer with Lambda and recursive function call

I have the following code: void class::Testfunc() { QTimer* timer = new QTimer; QObject::connect(timer, &QTimer::timeout, [this](){ emit …

c++ qt c++11 lambda qtcore
ImportError: No module named sip (python2.7 PyQt4)

I'm currently using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. I'm trying to install a program that need PyQt4 and QtWebKit, so a manual installation …

python pyqt4 qtwebkit qtcore python-sip
Threaded OpenGL with shared QGLWidgets issue with Qt 5.1

I use two QGLWidgets. One for loading textures and one for rendering, but it is not working. I used the …

c++ qt qthread qtgui qtcore
Sort actual QMap by key

I have QMap<QString, MyClass*>. I need to sort it by key using natural comparison. I do: std::…

c++ qt sorting qtcore qmap
Trouble in reading from Serial port using QSerialPort

I have to develop a C++ program for an embedded FriendlyARM-based processor system. I use Qt Creator 3.0.0 (based on Qt 5.2.0) …

qt qtcore qt-signals qtserialport qiodevice