Top "Pyqt4" questions

PyQt is a set of Python bindings for Qt application framework and runs on all platforms supported by Qt including Windows, MacOS/X and Linux.

Get active window title in X

I'm trying to get the title of the active window. The application is a background task so if the user …

python linux pyqt4
A QWidget like QTextEdit that wraps its height automatically to its contents?

I am creating a form with some QTextEdit widgets. The default height of the QTextEdit exceeds a single line of …

python qt4 pyqt4 qtextedit
How to set QDockWidget initial (default) size in the app with no central widget (PyQt4)?

I have an app with a lot of QDockWidgets and without central widget. I want to set some of those …

python qt pyqt pyqt4 qdockwidget
QGridLayout different column width

I am trying to create a layout looking like this: _________ | | | |1 | 2 | |__|______| | 3 | 4 | |____|____| Basically, I want cell number 1 the first row to be …

python pyqt pyqt4 qlayout qgridlayout
reading pyqt stylesheet from external qss file

I have made a qss file of pyqt stylsheet and how am i supposed to call the file content and …

python pyqt4 pyside stylesheet
Alignment in a GridLayout in PyQt4

I'm trying to create a QGridLayout in PyQt4, and I can't figure out for the life of me how to …

python pyqt4 qtgui
pyqt4 window resize event

I'm using python3 and pyqt4 and I want some code to run every time my QMainWindow is resized.I would …

python python-3.x pyqt pyqt4 qwidget
How to Drag and Drop from One QListWidget to Another

There are two QListWIdgets sitting in a same dialog window. The DragDrop functionality has been enabled for both. If I …

python pyqt4 qlistwidget
pyqt dynamic generate QMenu action and connect

Still learning how pyqt works. I want to dynamically generate a customContextMenu and connect with a function. So far I …

python pyqt4 signals-slots qmenu
Python Qt QListWidget Double Clicked

I want to add double clicked attribute for my QListWidget objects. My command line does not work: self.connect(self.…

python pyqt pyqt4 signals-slots qlistwidget