Top "Qgridlayout" questions

A QGridLayout is a class from the Qt toolkit which lays out GUI widgets in a grid.

Qt Layout, resize to minimum after widget size changes

Basically I've got a QGridLayout with a few widgets in it. The important ones are 2 labels, which I use for …

qt layout qt5 qgridlayout
How to arrange the items in QGridLayout as shown?

------------ ------ | | | 2 | | | | | | 1 | ------ | | ------ | | | 3 | ------------ ------ How to arrange the QGridLayout like above? I tried: QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout(); centralWidget-&…

qt qgridlayout
Removing widgets from QGridLayout

I try to remove widgets from a specified row in a QGridLayout like this: void delete_grid_row(QGridLayout *layout, …

c++ qt qgridlayout
A widget contained in more than one cell in a QGridLayout is not centered

The question sais it all. I have a 5 x 3 grid. It looks like this row 0: buttonA--buttonA--buttonA nothing buttonB--buttonB--buttonB row 1: empty …

qt alignment qgridlayout
layout sizeHint qwidget

I am creating a widget which contains a chess table and six buttons which are displayed in 2 rows beneath the …

qt qgridlayout
Qt QGridLayout automatically centers (moves) items to the middle.

I have a QHBoxLayout on my form with 3 layouts added to it. The second one has the items concerning my …

c++ python qt qscrollarea qgridlayout
Qt alignment in QGridLayout eliminates the resizing of its elements

Ok, so basically I have a simple table with a QWidget and two buttons as shown below: QGridLayout *layout = new …

qt alignment qgridlayout
QGridLayout, 3 panes, not expanding properly

I'm trying to layout a window (all in code) with a QGridLayout. I can add widgets to the layout and …

qt qgridlayout qlayout
How to set QPushButton size in QGridLayout in Qt

I am currently learning qt. And I am trying to build a small GUI program with 81 QPushButton on it. I …

c++ qt qt5 qpushbutton qgridlayout
How does one fill a QGridLayout from top-left to right?

I would like to fill a QGridLayout with QWidgets. The QWidgets need to appear in a top-left to top-right fashion …

qt user-interface qwidget grid-layout qgridlayout