Top "Pyqt4" questions

PyQt is a set of Python bindings for Qt application framework and runs on all platforms supported by Qt including Windows, MacOS/X and Linux.

Change the Color and Font of QString or QLineEdit

How can I change the color and font of QLineEdit? Here is my code: self.lineEdit = QtGui.QLineEdit(widget) self.…

python pyqt4 qstring qlineedit
Get Plain text from a QLabel with Rich text

I have a QLabel that contains rich text. I want to extract just the actual (visible) 'text' from the QLabel, …

python qt pyqt pyqt4 qlabel
How can I get QListWidget item by name?

I have a QListWidget which displays a list of names using PyQt in Python. How can I get the QListWidgetItem …

python qt pyqt pyqt4 pyside
replacing layout on a QWidget with another layout

I have a widget which changes when an option is toggled. This invalidates all layouts and widgets. I keep list …

python layout qt4 pyqt4
Debugging a pyQT4 app?

I have a fairly simple app built with pyqt4. I wanted to debug one of the functions connected to one …

python qt pyqt4
exe error with cx_freeze

Hey am relatively new to compiling python scripts to exe. Im using cx_freeze to compile my scripts and once …

python pyqt4 cx-freeze
How to uncheck a checked radio buttons in pyqt4

Im making a quiz and after my next button is pressed i want the the radio buttons to be unchecked …

python pyqt pyqt4 qradiobutton
how to set the QTableView header name in Pyqt4

I want to know how can i set the custom header names in QTableview when i create a QTableview i …

python header pyqt4 qtableview
How to place an icon onto a QLineEdit?

There is a Search field with the magnification-lens and a greyed out "search" keyword at the top right corner of …

qt layout pyqt pyqt4 qlineedit
Why are SIP and PyQt4 not getting along

I do most of my work in Windows and have a good python27 set up like I like it. I …

python pyqt4 python-sip