Top "Qlabel" questions

The QLabel widget, part of the Qt framework, provides a text or image display.

QLabel: set color of text and background

How do I set color of text and background of a QLabel ?

qt qt4 qlabel
Qt: resizing a QLabel containing a QPixmap while keeping its aspect ratio

I use a QLabel to display the content of a bigger, dynamically changing QPixmap to the user. It would be …

c++ qt qt4 qlabel
QLabel auto multiple lines

For example, we have a QLabel with MaximumWidth set to 400. When we try to display some text with pixel width …

qt qlabel
Change QLabel text dynamically in PyQt4

My question is: how can I change the text in a label? The label is inside a layout, but setText() …

python text pyqt qlabel pyuic
How to change font size of child QLabel widget from the groupBox

How can use different font & size for the child Widgets in the GroupBox and the tittle for the GroupBox …

python python-2.7 pyqt4 qlabel
qlabel centering

I have a qlabel L inside a qwidget W. L is vertically and horizontally aligned. When I resize W, L …

qt centering qlabel
PyQt give color to a specific element

This might be an easy question, but I'm trying to give a color to a specific QLabel in my application …

python pyqt pyqt4 qtstylesheets qlabel
Adding a QLabel to a QWidget

I am new to Qt and C++ and working on an application and I am trying to add QLabel in …

c++ qt qwidget qlabel qlayout
QLabel click event using Qt?

I'm new in Qt and have a question. I have QLabel and QLineEdit objects, and when QLabel text is clicked …

qt signals-slots qlabel
open webcamera with OpenCV and show it with QLabel - white window

I work on Win7 x64 with OpenCV and Qt Libraries and VS 2010. I would like to open my camera with …

c++ qt opencv video-capture qlabel