Top "Pyqt4" questions

PyQt is a set of Python bindings for Qt application framework and runs on all platforms supported by Qt including Windows, MacOS/X and Linux.

QT4: Is it possible to make a QListView scroll smoothly?

I have a QListView in Icon mode with lots of icons, so that a scrollbar appears, but the scrolling is …

qt qt4 pyqt4
Pyqt4 in Ubuntu 20.04

How to install Pyqt4 in ubuntu 20.04 I have already tried all the commands: sudo apt-get install python-qt4 sudo apt-get install …

ubuntu installation pyqt4 ubuntu-20.04
Create text area (textEdit) with line number in PyQt

I want to create textEdit with line number on the left side in PyQt like Notepad++. I tried this adding …

python pyqt pyqt4 pyqt5 qtextedit
How to list all items from QListWidget

I apology if it has been already asked but would you please clarify it again: how to get all ListWidgetItems …

python pyqt4 qlistwidget
Play mov files in PyQt

I'd like to open a mov file in my PyQt application with a Quicktime-like player. I am trying to use …

video pyqt pyqt4 quicktime phonon
TypeError: native Qt signal is not callable

I'm trying to make a request to a protected webpage, so therefore I'm trying to authenticate with help from QAuthenticator(). …

python authentication pyqt4 basic-authentication qnetworkaccessmanager
Setting style in using QStyleFactory from a list of styles in a QComboBox

I've been implementing an application using PyQt4. In this application I want to set the style according to the user's …

python pyqt4 qcombobox qstyle
How to force PyQt5 use for QObject class?

I'm developping a small graphic application using Python 3 and PyQt5. On the first computer I use, where only PyQt5 is …

python python-3.x pyqt4 pyqt5 qobject
Focusing on a tabified QDockWidget in PyQt

I have three QDockWidgets which are tabbed at startup using QMainWindow.tabifyDockWidget. In the main window, after all of the …

qt pyqt pyqt4
Check the state of QPushButton in PyQt4?

I want to write a if with a condition as the state of QPushButton. I would like to execute if …

python pyqt4 qpushbutton