Top "Pyinstaller" questions

PyInstaller is a multi-platform tool designed to convert Python (.py) files into stand-alone executable files on Windows, Linux, macOS, Solaris, and AIX.


Why does the multiprocessing module need to call a specific function to work when being "frozen" to produce a windows …

python multiprocessing py2exe pyinstaller cx-freeze
which build tool(s) do you recommend for python?

I'm starting a small/medium-sized python project, likely in Test Driven Development. My backgrounds are more in C and java …

python unit-testing tdd build-automation pyinstaller
Python: Excluding Modules Pyinstaller

I've begun using Pyinstaller over Py2Exe. However I've rather quickly run into a problem. How do I exclude modules …

python pyinstaller
PyInstaller with Pandas creates over 500 MB exe

I try to create an exe file using PyInstaller 3.2.1, for test purpose I tried to make an exe for following …

python pandas anaconda conda pyinstaller
PyInstaller "ImportError: No module named Pyinstaller"

This is the code that gets produced when I run python dan@Q430-Q530:~/pyinstaller-2.0/PyInstaller$ python configure.…

python pyinstaller
How can I use pywin32 with a virtualenv without having to include the host environment's site-packages folder?

I'm working with PyInstaller under Python 2.6, which is only partially supported due to the mess MS have created with their …

python winapi virtualenv pyinstaller
What is sys._MEIPASS in Python

What is sys._MEIPASS. What is the value of this variable and it's use ? I was a looking one python …

python-2.7 python-3.x pyinstaller
docker compose: Error while loading shared libraries: failed to map segment from shared object: Operation not permitted

After installing docker and docker-compose on: NAME="Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server" VERSION="7.6 (Maipo)" When executing: sudo docker-compose -version It …

linux docker docker-compose pyinstaller redhat
Which is better - PyInstaller or cx_Freeze?

Could someone tell me which is better of the two for bundling Python applications — cx_Freeze or PyInstaller? I'm looking …

python pyinstaller cx-freeze
How do I include .dll file in executable using pyinstaller?

I want to generate a single executable file from my python script. For this I use pyinstaller. I had issues …

python numpy dll pyinstaller