Top "Pyinstaller" questions

PyInstaller is a multi-platform tool designed to convert Python (.py) files into stand-alone executable files on Windows, Linux, macOS, Solaris, and AIX.

Embed icon in python script

Does anybody know a way to embed an icon in a Python script such that when I create my standalone …

python icons tkinter exe pyinstaller
How do I debug a non-functioning PyInstaller build?

I have used PyInstaller only once before, and it worked pretty straight forward with wxPython. I'm currently trying to build …

python pyinstaller
Converting a python 3.8 file to .exe

I've been trying to do so for a while. I followed a tutorial which said you should install pyinstaller first. …

python pyinstaller executable cx-freeze python-3.8
PyInstaller-built Windows EXE fails with multiprocessing

In my project I'm using Python's multiprocessing library to create multiple processes in __main__. The project is being packaged into …

python windows python-2.7 multiprocessing pyinstaller
Pyinstaller error ImportError: No module named 'requests.packages.chardet.sys

I can't seem to find the root cause of this. I don't know if it's pyinstaller, a pip problem, the …

python python-2.7 python-requests pyinstaller
PyInstaller + UI Files - FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:

I'm trying to export my .py script to .exe using PyInstaller, which has dependencies on .ui files which were created …

python pyqt4 pyinstaller qt-designer
PyInstaller won't load the PyQt's images to the GUI

I've been having some complications to pass my script into an executable, but I finally managed to. The main problem …

python python-2.7 pyqt4 pyinstaller
Pyinstaller --onefile warning pyconfig.h when importing scipy or scipy.signal

This is very simple to recreate. If my script is: import scipy Then run: python --onefile …

scipy pyinstaller
How can I make PyInstaller's .spec files actually portable? (woes absolute path for 'pathex' parameter)

The PyInstaller .spec file is mean to be portable across the three platforms that it supports: Windows, Mac OS X …

python pyinstaller
How to create OS X app with Python on Windows

I need to automate a cross-platform application build. Entire build runs on Windows machine. Part of it is written in …

python macos build pyinstaller py2app