I'm working with PyInstaller under Python 2.6, which is only partially supported due to the mess MS have created with their manifest nonense which now affects Python since it is now MSVC8 compiled.
The problem is that the manifest embedding support relies on the pywin32 extensions in order to build which is a pain because without including the host's site-packages folder when I create the virtualenv (kinda defeats the point in a build environment) I cannot find a way to install the required extensions so they are accessible to PyInstaller.
Has anyone found a solution to this issue?
I found http://old.nabble.com/Windows:-virtualenv-and-pywin32--td27658201.html (now a dead link) which offered the following solution:
easy_install http://PATH.TO/EXE/DOWNLOAD
This works with modern versions of setuptools (circa February 2014, reported by tovmeod in the comments).
If you are using an old version of setuptools (or distribute it merged back into setuptools), you may get this error message:
error: c:\users\blah\appdata\local\temp\easy_install-ibkzv7\pywin32-214.win32-py2.6.exe is not a valid distutils Windows .exe
In which case:
easy_install DOWNLOADED_FILE.exe
I rather hopefully tried "pip install" rather than "easy_install", but this didn't work, and likely never will (citation needed).
Finally, I found but haven't tested a solution at http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg272040.html which is:
Solved this by copying the pywin32.pth file into my virtualenv site-packages and editing the file to point to the path.
If the other options don't work for you, maybe this will?