Top "Pycharm" questions

PyCharm is an integrated development environment (IDE) for Python.

How to surround selected text in PyCharm like with Sublime Text

Is there a way to configure PyCharm to be able to surround selected code with parenthesis by just typing on …

python sublimetext2 pycharm
ImportError: No module named backend_tkagg

I have such imports and code: import pandas as pd import numpy as np import statsmodels.formula.api as sm …

python numpy module pycharm python-module
Getting wider output in PyCharm's built-in console

I'm relatively new to using the PyCharm IDE, and have been unable to find a way to better shape the …

python pandas ipython pycharm
Python type hinting without cyclic imports

I'm trying to split my huge class into two; well, basically into the "main" class and a mixin with additional …

python pycharm python-3.4 python-3.5 type-hinting
Should I ignore the .idea folder when using PyCharm with Git?

I read about Git integration in PyCharm, and created a Git repository from PyCharm. I did this in PyCharm because …

python git pycharm
Configuring Pycharm to run Pyinstaller

Yes I want to create a run configuration in PyCharm to run Pyinstaller and get my executable. According to the …

python python-3.x pycharm osx-yosemite pyinstaller
___jb_bak___ and ___jb_old___ files in PyCharm

When I got some PyCharm project from my colleague I saw some backup files of *.py files. This files have …

intellij-idea phpstorm pycharm webstorm jetbrains-ide
How to disable special naming convention inspection of PEP 8 in PyCharm

I installed PyCharm and enabled pep8 checks in Inspections. If I write: def func(argOne): print(argOne) The IDE shows …

python pycharm pep8 jetbrains-ide
Running Pycharm as root from launcher

How is it possible to run Pycharm from the launcher with root privileges? I can do that from the terminal …

linux ubuntu pycharm root sudo
Why doesn't this python keyboard interrupt work? (in pycharm)

My python try/except loop does not seem to trigger a keyboard interrupt when Ctrl + C is pressed while debugging …

python pycharm try-except keyboardinterrupt