Top "Pycharm" questions

PyCharm is an integrated development environment (IDE) for Python.

Pycharm - no tests were found?

I've been getting a No tests were found error in Pycharm and I can't figure out why I'm getting it... …

python unit-testing pycharm nose
Getting PyCharm to recognize python on the windows linux subsystem (bash on windows)

While running Linux versions of python, pip etc. "natively" on windows is amazing, I'd like to do so using a …

python pycharm windows-subsystem-for-linux
How uninstall pycharm and rubymine?

I installed pycharm and rubymine on linux mint, my trial has ended. how to remove them? can i just do …

python ruby ubuntu rubymine pycharm
Why does PyCharm use 120 Character Lines even though PEP8 Specifies 79?

PEP8 clearly specifies 79 characters, however, PyCharm defaults to 120 and gives me the warning "PEP8: line too long (... > 120 characters)". Did …

python pycharm pep8
Pycharm and unittest does not work

I have a problem with PYCharm 3.0.1 I can't run basic unittests. Here is my code : import unittest from MysqlServer import …

python pycharm python-unittest
How do I enable auto code formatting for flake8 in PyCharm

I use Tox to run unit tests, with a flake8 command that checks for code formatting errors. Each time I …

python plugins pycharm pep8 flake8
How to specify that a parameter is a list of specific objects in Python docstrings

I really like using docstrings in Python to specify type parameters when projects get beyond a certain size. I'm having …

python pycharm
Does Pycharm have Interactive Python Interpreter?

I am a fairly new Pycharm user switched from other IDEs recently. One question I have is about the interactive …

interpreter pycharm
PyCharm: Turning selection to multiple cursors per line

Sublime Text has this functionality where you can select text and start editing each line with a (multiple) cursor: Is …

Cannot import cv2 on PyCharm

I am trying to import cv2 module in PyCharm, but it shows error. I tried in terminal as well pip …

python opencv pip pycharm opencv-python