Top "Pycharm" questions

PyCharm is an integrated development environment (IDE) for Python.

Debugging with PyCharm terminal arguments

I have been using PyCharm for a bit so I am not an expert. How I normally ran my programs …

python pycharm
Running tests on PyCharm using Robot Framework

I started using PyCharm with the robot framework, but I'm facing an issue. How can I run my tests? All …

pycharm robotframework
False Unused Import Statement in PyCharm?

Given this scenario: import A # A is unused here from b import A # A is used …

python ide pycharm
Using Powershell as terminal in IntelliJ IDEA IDEs like PyCharm, PHPStorm or RubyMine

I have been attempting to run powershell as my terminal on windows in pycharm, so I did the following: However, …

powershell intellij-idea pycharm
Pycharm's code style inspection: ignore/switch off specific rules

I'm trying to import existing project into PyCharm. I can refactor the code so that PyCharm will be pleased, but …

python ide pycharm pep8
How to import a .pyd file as a python module?

I am using PyCharm. I have a python script in the following location: C:\Users\XYZ\PycharmProjects\Project1\ …

python windows pycharm pyd
How can I select next occurrence in IDEA editors

Ctrl+D performs the find_under_expand command in sublime. This basically searched for the next occurrence of the already …

intellij-idea pycharm phpstorm webstorm
Delete unused packages from requirements file

Is there any easy way to delete no-more-using packages from requirements file? I wrote a bash script for this task …

python pip refactoring pycharm requirements.txt
py4j.protocol.Py4JJavaError occurred while calling z:org.apache.spark.api.python.PythonRDD.collectAndServe

I installed apache-spark and pyspark on my machine (Ubuntu), and in Pycharm, I also updated the environment variables (e.g. …

python-3.x apache-spark pyspark pycharm py4j
Unresolved attribute reference 'objects' for class '' in PyCharm

I use community pycharm and the version of python is 3.6.1, django is 1.11.1. This warning has no affect on running, but …

python django pycharm