Top "Requirements.txt" questions


Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement <package>

I'm installing several Python packages in Ubuntu 12.04 using the following requirements.txt file: numpy>=1.8.2,<2.0.0 matplotlib>=1.3.1,<2.0.0 scipy&…

python pip requirements.txt
How to use requirements.txt to install all dependencies in a python project

I am new to python. Recently I got a project written by python and it requires some installation. I run …

python pip requirements.txt
How to state in requirements.txt a direct github source

I've installed a library using the command pip install git+git:// which installs it directly …

python github pip requirements.txt
tell pip to install the dependencies of packages listed in a requirement file

Developing a Django web app, I have a list of packages I need to install in a virtualenv. Say: Django==1.3.1 …

python pip requirements.txt
Reference requirements.txt for the install_requires kwarg in setuptools file

I have a requirements.txt file that I'm using with Travis-CI. It seems silly to duplicate the requirements in both …

python pip setuptools requirements.txt
Upgrade python packages from requirements.txt using pip command

How do I upgrade all my python packages from requirements.txt file using pip command? tried with below command $ pip …

python pip packages requirements.txt
Unable to install using pip install requirements.txt

I'm trying to install BitTornado for Python 2.7 using requirements.txt, I get the following error: Collecting requirements.txt Could not …

python python-2.7 pip requirements.txt
Python Django requirements.txt

I have a requirements.txt file containing all my dependencies but it is not processed correctly : After a pip install …

python django pip requirements.txt
requirements.txt vs

I started working with Python. I've added requirements.txt and to my project. But, I am still confused …

python requirements.txt
How to create a requirements.txt?

I'm wondering how I can create a suitable requirements.txt for my Python 3 application?

python pip requirements.txt