Top "Proxy-classes" questions

A proxy class is a class functioning as an interface to another class or a service.

Typescript "this" inside a class method

I know this is probably painfully basic, but i am having a tough time wrapping my head around it. class …

jquery this typescript proxy-classes
What are the downsides to turning off ProxyCreationEnabled for CTP5 of EF code first

The only way that my WCF service can return classes from a code first model is by setting the ProxyCreationEnable …

c# entity-framework wcf serialization proxy-classes
Fixing BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException on Spring proxy cast on a non-singleton bean?

I'm having an issue with pulling a Spring bean from an application context. When I try; InnerThread instance = (InnerThread) SpringContextFactory.…

java spring casting aop proxy-classes
Dynamically generate classes at runtime in php?

Here's what I want to do: $clsName = substr(md5(rand()),0,10); //generate a random name $cls = new $clsName(); //create a new …

php code-generation proxy-classes dynamic-compilation
What is a Proxy in Doctrine 2?

I just finished reading all the Doctrine 2 documentation, I started my own sandbox, I understood most of the principes, but …

design-patterns doctrine-orm proxy-classes
UndeclaredThrowableException thrown by IndexOutOfBoundsException

I am using the decorator pattern for a List<WebElement>.Part of this decoration entails using a proxy. …

java proxy-classes
How to test if an object is a Proxy?

I would like to test if a JavaScript object is a Proxy. The trivial approach if (obj instanceof Proxy) ... doesn't …

javascript ecmascript-6 proxy-classes
Axis HTTP Vs Axis HTTPS Proxy Settings

My Java application deployed on Weblogic Cluster invokes two Webservices which are as follow. • It sents SOAP Client request to …

java web-services proxy axis proxy-classes
Add service reference to ASP.NET Web API service

I've got an MVC solution that hosts a few routes for Web API services. In some situations, I will call …

c# wcf proxy-classes
How to unwrap the original object from a dynamic proxy

what's the best approach to unwrap a dynamic proxy to retrieve the original object beneath? The dynamic proxy has been …

java reflection proxy-classes dynamic-proxy