Top "Dynamic-proxy" questions

A Dynamic Proxy is a class that implements a list of interfaces specified at runtime such that a method invocation through one of the interfaces on an instance of the class will be encoded and dispatched to another object through a uniform interface.

What is the difference between JDK dynamic proxy and CGLib?

In case of the Proxy Design Pattern, What is the difference between JDK's Dynamic Proxy and third party dynamic code …

java reflection cglib dynamic-proxy
What are Dynamic Proxy classes and why would I use one?

What is a use case for using a dynamic proxy? How do they relate to bytecode generation and reflection? Any …

java design-patterns dynamic-proxy
Should I enable or disable dynamic proxies with entity framework 4.1 and MVC3?

Could someone offer up some advice or point out some blogs/articles that could help with making this decision? The …

entity-framework orm entity-framework-4.1 ef-code-first dynamic-proxy
Alternatives to java.lang.reflect.Proxy for creating proxies of abstract classes (rather than interfaces)

According to the documentation: [java.lang.reflect.]Proxy provides static methods for creating dynamic proxy classes and instances, and it …

java dynamic-proxy
What is the meaning of using proxy ( dynamic proxy) in spring framework?

I don't know the meaning of using proxy in spring. what is efficient?

java spring dynamic-proxy
Performance cost of Java dynamic proxy

Many modern frameworks (Spring, Hibernate) provide very nice dynamic behaviors with use of Java dynamic proxies, but what's the exact …

java performance aop dynamic-proxy
How to create a proxy of an interface in Java?

How can one create a proxy for an interface without creating a class that implements it? I have a concrete …

java proxy mocking dynamic-proxy
Dynamic implementation for interface/abstract class in Java

What's the de-facto solution for building dynamic implementation of interfaces and/or abstract classes? What I basically want is: interface …

java dynamic proxy dynamic-proxy
How use IInterceptor in Castle.DynamicProxy?

I wrote an example like this Simple Calculator class : public class Calculator { public int Add(int a, int b) { return …

c# interceptor castle-dynamicproxy dynamic-proxy interception
Dynamic proxy for concrete classes

I want to define a method interceptor in a Java program in other words I want to have a behaviour …

java reflection dynamic-proxy