Top "Cglib" questions

CGLib (Code Generation Library) is a run time code generation library for the Java platform licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.

What is the difference between JDK dynamic proxy and CGLib?

In case of the Proxy Design Pattern, What is the difference between JDK's Dynamic Proxy and third party dynamic code …

java reflection cglib dynamic-proxy
Calling a @Bean annotated method in Spring java configuration

I'm curious about how spring injection handles calling methods with the @Bean annotation. If I put a @Bean annotation on …

java spring cglib
BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException but was actually of type $Proxy

I need help with a problem with Spring and proxy. org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException: Bean named 'fooAPIService' must be …

java spring spring-aop cglib aspect
Spring: Is CGLIB required for injection of a concrete class using @Resource

I have configured Spring 3.0.6 with AspectJ LTW using spring-instrument.jar and: <context:load-time-weaver aspectj-weaving="on" weaver-class="org.springframework.instrument.…

java spring aspectj cglib load-time-weaving
Spring - Weird Error in Bean Creation

Any idea why I am getting this exception? Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name …

java spring dependency-injection java-ee-6 cglib
Abstract DAO pattern and Spring's "Proxy cannot be cast to ..." problem!

I know this is very often asked , but I cannot find a working solution : This is my AbstractDAO : public interface …

java spring cglib genericdao
Are there alternatives to cglib?

Just out of curiosity, are there any (stable) open source projects for runtime java code generation other than cglib? And …

java code-generation cglib
how to retransform a class at runtime

I am tring modify class which already loaded in a jvm. The solution which I found is: 1st Attach an …

java jvm aop cglib
What is CGLIB in Spring Framework?

What is CGLIB and how it is related to Spring? Do we have to define usage of CGLIB explicitly when …

spring code-generation cglib
Set JVM option for avoid error Illegal reflective access by org.springframework.cglib.core.ReflectUtils$1

I use Spring Boot 2.0.0.RC1, JDK 9.0.4, IntelliJ IDEA 2017.3.4 Ultimate, Gradle 4.5.1 . Spring Boot RC1 version (strictly, Spring Framework 5.0.3.RELEASE) has a …

java spring-boot intellij-idea java-9 cglib