Top "Genericdao" questions

Single DAO & generic CRUD methods (JPA/Hibernate + Spring)

Following my previous question, DAO and Service layers (JPA/Hibernate + Spring), I decided to use just a single DAO for …

java jpa crud dao genericdao
How do I implement a DAO manager using JDBC and connection pools?

My problem is as follows. I need a class that works as a single point to a database connection in …

java jdbc connection-pooling dao genericdao
Abstract DAO pattern and Spring's "Proxy cannot be cast to ..." problem!

I know this is very often asked , but I cannot find a working solution : This is my AbstractDAO : public interface …

java spring cglib genericdao
generic DAO in java

I am trying to develop generic DAO in java. I have tried the following. Is this a good way to …

java dao genericdao
Spring MVC: Generic DAO and Service classes

I am writting web in Spring MVC. I wrote all DAOs using Generic DAO. Now I would like to rewrite …

java spring generics dao genericdao
Spring Generic Dao class name

I have configured a custom generic service DAO for my spring / hibernate project - the idea being that I can …

java spring genericdao